Laura Sindici was born in Rome where she lives and works.
Portrait painter, Laura quickly abandoned this discipline to deepen the sculptural techniques that she finds most stimulating and interesting.
His favorite subjects are people, always in balance between emancipation, femininity, elegance, conflict and diversity.
Laura's sculptures are delicate presences, figures ranging from the classic to the most contemporary.
Laura has exhibited her works in various art fairs, such as: Art Zurich (Switzerland), at the AAF - Macro Museum of Rome and at Art Genoa and Padua and Grandart - Milan
She is present at two Exhibitions at the Monumental Complex of the Teatro dei Dioscuri at the Quirinale - Rome
basso rilievo in argilla e plastica
Basso/alto rilievo in resina su plexiglass 60x115 cm
Bas relief in clay - 27x57 cm
bassorilievo in argilla e rame-35x50 cm-2015
bassorilievo in argilla e pizzo-35x50 cm-2015
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